Nuxt 字体会处理所有 CSS 代码,并在遇到 font-family
目录中查找与名称匹配的字体文件,例如 Roboto.woff2
等。然后,它会继续使用 Web 字体提供商,例如 google
和 fontshare
。找到提供商后(在本例中可能是 Google 字体),我们继续执行下一步。@font-face
规则。我们将生成规则以将您的浏览器指向正确的源文件。它们将被注入到您使用 font-family
的相同 CSS 中。/* If you write something like this: */
:root {
font-family: Poppins;
/* Then Nuxt fonts will add declarations that look like this at the beginning of the CSS file: */
@font-face {
font-family: 'Poppins';
src: local("Poppins"), url("/_fonts/<hash>.woff2") format(woff2);
font-display: swap;
unicode-range: U+0000-00FF,U+0131, /* ... */;
font-weight: 400;
font-style: normal;
/* ... plus more font-face declarations for other unicode ranges/weights */
声明。我们的想法是“变形”本地系统字体(例如 Arial 或 Times New Roman)使其尽可能接近 Web 字体的尺寸,从而减少布局偏移(详细了解 CLS)。:root {
/* This will generate fallbacks for local versions of Helvetica and Arial, adjusted to match Roboto's metrics. */
font-family: Roboto, Helvetica, Arial;
/* If you provide a generic family (like serif or sans-serif), we will use a system font from that family. */
font-family: Merriweather, serif;